November 2020
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November 2020
The Buzz

Designing More Impactful Training

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Training is an important element in workforce development, but the equation isn’t as simple as “training equals success.” Careful consideration must be given to how the training will be provided, what the content of that training will be, and why it's important for employees to participate. If these questions go unanswered, training will be, at best, ineffective and, at worst, will further disengage the team. First, consider how interesting the material is. Employees have limited time to devote to training, and if they are presented with dry, unengaging material, the lessons that should be learned will not be retained. To get over this hurdle, consider surveying the employees. Ask them what skills they are lacking and how they’d prefer training to be delivered. That way they have buy-in on their own development instead of training being decreed from the top down. Finally, work to incentivize learning at the organization. Provide material perks for those who display certain competencies and who complete certain training modules. Celebrate achievement to make development more appealing.

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